Suppose your younger brother, nine year old, does not read in English yet, so your mother decided to send him to Hakwon. But 3 months later he ended up feeling that English is simply nightmare. He hates doing phonics workbook and memorizing words. He doesn't want to go to Hakwon anymore. Your mother is anxious and worried about your brother, so asks you how to help him enjoy reading in English? What would you say?
The reason why brother hate Hakwon is that Hakwon just memorize words and vocabularies forcibly. They don't teach any word rules or easy method to learning word, but just push them memorizing the words.
In my opinion, I suggest to realize him that learning English is very interesting and funny thing at first. Using interesting materials such as games make fun time and give him confidence. For example, brother don't want to go to the Hakwon, we will be able to use internet. Some flash games and searching informations can give him playing a leading role, then he change passive student to active student. It is relate to Spelling and Meaning-focused Input, because this process help to expose repetively in English.
Then brother have motivations, we move on Spelling and Language-focused Learning. I use the method of Using Analogies, and help brother to broaden words range with system learning.
Finally, I use Spelling and Meaning-focused Output. Maybe upper two process make the brother know incorrect words spellings and pronunciation. So it can help to make brother aware of gaps in their spelling knowledge. Sometimes we have to do dictation and memorize the words.
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